Children's Ministry

Instruction, fellowship, and fun


Our hope is that all children will grow to love Jesus, develop an understanding of God’s word and His promises in Scripture, and fully understand God’s deep love for them no matter what. In addition, we aim to support families as a whole, providing guidance to parents as we navigate parenting from infancy through adulthood.

Sunday Schedule for Children


7:45 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Nursery care is available from 7:45 a.m. to 12 p.m. for children 8 weeks through 3K. Nursery is provided for parents attending worship and New Creation, parents must remain in the building while utilizing the nursery. Due to new safety protocols, nursery classrooms will only be accessed through the Maloof entrance. Please check in your nursery aged children in the Maloof entrance prior to bringing them to the classrooms. Please label any items you plan to leave with your child!

Children's Chapel

 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Children’s Sunday School at Saint Luke’s takes place during the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship services. Children ages 4k – 2nd grade follow the cross out shortly after the service begins, and return at the Peace before Communion.

Sunday School

10:00 am to 11:00 am

Returns September 10

During the 10 o’clock fellowship hour, children 4K through 6th grade attend a fellowship time for children with Sunday school- like curriculum. Drop off and pick-up of children occurs in the classroom. Children attending the 11 o’clock service following New Creation may stay in their classroom for Sunday school.


Check in takes place in the Maloof entrance, closest to the back parking lot. Please check-in your children as you arrive to church on Sunday morning. Check-in is a safety protocol that greatly helps us account for all children throughout the day. Thank you for your participation in this effort!

Frequently Asked Questions

Safety and Security measures for the Children's Ministry

We want your child to feel loved and secure when they enter our building and we want you to feel secure about leaving your child in our care. Therefore, we place a high regard on security, with background checks on our nursery workers and by implementing security measures. Each time you bring your child to the nursery, you will be given a nametag to fill out and place on your child’s back. It has a parent receipt for you to hold on to. You will need to have this when you return to pick up your child.

Health Policies for the Children's Ministry

Children may come to the nursery when they have been symptom free for 24 hours. A child that is placed on antibiotics must be on this medication for 24 hours before coming to the nursery. We cannot give your child medicine while they are at church.

Please keep your children at home if they have shown any of the following symptoms in the last 24 hours: Fever, Vomiting, Eye Drainage, Green or Yellow Runny Nose, Excessive Coughing, Diarrhea, Questionable Rash, mouth Sores with any Drooling, Any Communicable Disease, or if there is increased tiredness, irritability, or crying. If any of these symptoms occur while they are in our care, we may ask that you come get them for the wellbeing of your child, as well as the other children in our care.

Nursery Drop Off Guidelines

Please bring bottles and other things your child may need while in our care, including diapers and a change of clothes. The nursery does not have access to these items unless you provide them. Please make us aware of any allergies your child has when you drop them off. On occasion, snacks are provided. Please let us know if you would not like your child to have a snack. Make sure to label everything you bring to ensure it is returned to you. Please try to leave all personal toys at home. Please note that for the safety of our children it is our policy that a parent/guardian must be on the Saint Luke’s campus while their child is in the care of our nursery.